The Exit Do statement is used to trigger a forced exit of a loop Do ... Repeat While . The program flow jumps to the statement immediately following the Repeat While loop termination brand . In the case of nested loops only loop SalirHacerafecta is in the process when it comes to this output instruction. Use before or after a bucleHacer ... Repeat While no effect to be meaningless .
SalirHacer can be found at any point between the Do and Repeat While . Normally go after evaluating a situation that evolves as does the loop, and that is the trigger for the output.
Having SalirHacer order will allow us to introduce a variant of the instruction Do ... RepetirMientras . This variant is the same instruction but while the output condition . The syntax is the familiar :
Instruction 1
Instruction 2
Instruction n
It is clear that within the loop must be an outlet through a SalirHacer because otherwise the number of repeats would be infinite .
Example of using SalirHacer and Do ... Repeat.
1. Home [ Message if succeeds secret number - ]
Two . Read Secretcode [ secret number value ]
Three . do
Show " Enter PIN number "
Order Number
If Number = Secretcode Then
Show " Welcome. Your key will operate 685 297 "
Quit Making
Show " wrong number "
i = i 1
If i> 19 Then
Show " Exceeded number of available evidence. Access Denied "
Quit Making
April . end
The Exit Do statement is used to trigger a forced exit of a loop Do ... Repeat While . The program flow jumps to the statement immediately following the Repeat While loop termination brand . In the case of nested loops only loop SalirHacerafecta is in the process when it comes to this output instruction. Use before or after a bucleHacer ... Repeat While no effect to be meaningless .
SalirHacer can be found at any point between the Do and Repeat While . Normally go after evaluating a situation that evolves as does the loop, and that is the trigger for the output.
Having SalirHacer order will allow us to introduce a variant of the instruction Do ... RepetirMientras . This variant is the same instruction but while the output condition . The syntax is the familiar :
Instruction 1
Instruction 2
Instruction n
It is clear that within the loop must be an outlet through a SalirHacer because otherwise the number of repeats would be infinite .
Example of using SalirHacer and Do ... Repeat.
1. Home [ Message if succeeds secret number - ]
Two . Read Secretcode [ secret number value ]
Three . do
Show " Enter PIN number "
Order Number
If Number = Secretcode Then
Show " Welcome. Your key will operate 685 297 "
Quit Making
Show " wrong number "
i = i 1
If i> 19 Then
Show " Exceeded number of available evidence. Access Denied "
Quit Making
April . end
Instruction and instruction Make Out Make ... Repeat. pseudocode