viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

Are extracted file data in "packets" of 100. If the number of data extracted with value greater than 600 and less than 700 is greater than 100 , display the message " meet schedule," indicating the number of extracted data against the total extracted fulfilling . Otherwise, continue to extract data packets ( considered unlimited ) . Raise it in pseudocode and flowchart.

Note: Consider that the data is in an array Data (1 ) Data ( 2) Data ( ... )
pseudocode :
1. Home [ p100 Data Extraction ]
Two . n = 1
Three . As Expected = False Make
3.1 Since i = n to n + 99 Make
Read Data ( i)
If Data ( i ) > 600 and Dato ( i ) < 700 Then
j = j + 1
3.2 If j > 100 Then
Expected = True
3.3 If Expected = True Then
Show " schedule is met having extracted" , j, " total data " , n + 99 , "data"
Show "Removing a new package "
n = n + 100
April . end
Comments: Expected boolean functions as a switch to control the main loop as well as decision making through Si ... Then. While their use is unavoidable , use expressions as Expected = True always be lighter and less cumbersome than using algebraic relations more or less complex .
In this algorithm prescindiríamos switch follows:

We modify line 3 : While j < = 100 Make

· We changed the line 3.2 to :
If j > 100 Entoces
Show " schedule is met having extracted" , j, " total data " , n + 99 , "data"
Show "Removing a new package "
n = n + 100
· We remove the line 3.3
This option is as valid as the previous one, but more difficult to follow and interpret.

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